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Owner Joe David Garza has spent the past ten years as a filmmaker. He began his career with a string of advertising spots and music videos. His creative use of simple, gritty footage amongst a clever edit established Garza as a fresh talent with a distinct vision. His passion is creating doc-reality films, both for broadcast and non-profit clients. His work with non-profits allows these organizations to tell their story and describe their mission to their supporters and potential donors.



More recently (2011) Garza was asked by Texas Trophy Hunters Association® to come on board as Senior Editor and Story Producer for the Emmy® winning television show “Trophy Hunters TV®” Where in 2012 he recived an Emmy for his work as editor on the series, Garza is currently working on 2 new series for Sportsman Channel.


At Kalamazoo Films, we understand the market we live in and the daunting task you have in front of you when considering a multimedia production company.  Today, everyone is a video producer, including the kid next door. Just keep in mind the wise saying “You get what you pay for”. While cost is important, our clients are more interested in how the images and strategies we employ can make them money, get sales and help them stay on top of their competition. You won’t get that by being average, on par or by picking the cheapest guy out there. 


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